Tornado watches are already out for much of North Dakota and it looks like another one will be issued for points South into South Dakota and Minnesota.
Dave and I have been going back and forth about the more favorable area for tornadoes today. I agree with him...there will probably be tornadoes in both areas...but I think more reports will come from North Dakota. Dave is also right about storm motions...the tornadic storms in North Dakota will be moving at 20-30 knots...and the ones in South Dakota/S. Minnesota will be moving a bit slower.
But...the road networks are so good in North Dakota that keeping up with the storm and even staying ahead of it shouldn't really be an issue at all. I mean we are not dealing with May 10th storm motions here.
I like the North, he likes the South...he's chasing the Southern Threat...and I wish him luck today...but if I was chasing I would chase in East Central North Dakota towards Canada.
Here is a 19z prog tephi/hodograph for an area North of Fargo, ND.

Oh...and S. Manitoba is not out of the woods for tornadoes yet...clearing is starting to occur in Central North Dakota and will likely make its way into the border region in a few hours...if this clearing does come in...I expect surface based storms with tornado threats to develop around 5-6pm near the border moving NNE.
Here is a 12:45pm Satellite comes the clearing!

Summary later. 0 tornadoes yesterday, though not for lack of trying. Busy today.